Category Archives: Sky Berth Homestead

The Good Life: Part 2 – nature and community

I feel that “The Good Life” must include time for fun, community and getting out into Nature. Creativity is spurred by rich experiences in the natural world and time out in the world with people you enjoy, participating in stimulating cultural events. Two recent experiences stand out in my mind….


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Home to The Good Life: Part 1

Good Life

I am home. And finally after several days, I feel like I have my feet back on the ground here. It has taken me a bit of time to really return on all levels and reintegrate.

But it feels wonderful to be back in the vastness of my New Mexico homeland! While experiencing a renewed appreciation for this vastness of place, I am trying to remember to also bring this vastness into my daily life. The recent time away from my day-to-day routine here at home has allowed me to reflect on the importance of slowing down. I am acting carefully now as I return to my life here in NM, so that I can maintain the focus, the ability to slowdown and spaciousness that developed during our DREAMING PLACE project fieldwork in Ireland.

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Home-building Turtles

I call these home-building turtles. One day, as I ended a long stint of mudding, I found that I had made too much mudd.

“What should I make?” I asked Chris.

“A turtle of course!” he replied.

So now, when we have malleable materials left over, it’s easy for me to decide what to make with it. Project by project, we are expanding the sculptural Sky Berth turtle herd.